Specialist Mathematics 2002-2023 Exam Questions and Worked Solutions (8 booklets $360)
It includes more than 700 multiple choice, short answer and extended response VCE exam questions and worked solutions in a total of 8 booklets.
Worked solutions are provided for each question in booklets 5 - 8. Simple answers are provided for each question at the end of each page. The percentage of students who answered the question correctly is provided for each question, to reflect the difficulty level of the question.
Part 1 (Questions): Ellipse and Hyperbola, Circular Function, Rational Function, Partial Fraction, Complex Number ($45)
Part 2 (Questions): Vector, Vector Resolute, Vector Proof, Vector Equation, Vector Function ($45)
Part 3 (Questions): Differentiation and Integration ($45)
Part 4 (Questions): Differential Equation, Euler’s Method, Slope Field, Kinematics, Statistics, Proof, Pseudocode ($45)
Part 5 (Solutions): Ellipse and Hyperbola, Circular Function, Rational Function, Partial Fraction, Complex Number ($45)
Part 6 (Solutions): Vector, Vector Resolute, Vector Proof, Vector Equation, Vector Function ($45)
Part 7 (Solutions): Differentiation and Integration ($45)
Part 8 (Solutions): Differential Equation, Euler’s Method, Slope Field, Kinematics, Statistics, Proof, Pseudocode ($45)
Total $360 for all eight booklets
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